We'd like to remind everybody who is teaching in Spring 2025 of your TF reporting obligations. We are constantly working to make these processes easier to manage, so please help us out and follow the guidelines.
Step 1: Sign up
Step 2: Enter the course data
Moving to our electronic student evaluation system has proven to save
time and paperwork on your side, and hundreds of hours of data entry on
our side. This method also lets us prepare reports about how you're
doing much quicker. But we need you to login and provide the system with
information about your courses ASAP.
For GTFs, your course/courses will already be specified. You can
slightly modify the name of the course if what your university uses is a
closer match to the actual content of the course.
For CIFs, we need you provide titles for all of the courses that you are
teaching. This is important not only for you to be able to create unique
QR codes for your courses, but it also lets us keep track of the courses
that you are teaching.
Step 3: Student evaluations
Remember that CERGE-EI Foundation student evaluations are required even if you do similar evaluations for your home university. If you have forgotten how to set up your evaluations for your courses, please review our instructional video that walks you through the steps of specifying your course titles in the system and also how the evaluations
are to be administered. Please set aside a few minutes to watch this video:
We understand that every university has different term start and finish
dates. We would therefore like to set a general target deadline of 15 June 2025 for all reports (refer to the instructional video above) to
be submitted for courses taking place in Spring 2025. If your course will
end after that date, or if you need an extension, that’s fine – just
please let us know so we don’t bother you with nagging reminders.
Teaching Fellows Admin Team